
Welcome to my blog! My name’s Benjamin and I recently graduated with B.S. degrees in Finance and Accounting and a B.A. degree in French Language and Literature. Now, my original intention was to sell out to a big investment bank, work 16 hour days, 80 hour weeks, and make enough to pay down my school loans faster than you can say “Mergers & Acquisitions”. But, unfortunately for the student loan agencies and (hopefully) fortunately for my soul, I have decided to join the Peace Corps instead. In other words, I am taking my skills to the streets, instead of to the Street.

I will be a Community Business Advisor Volunteer and will be working with small communities and individuals to develop their economies and general financial stability. I hope to work specifically with micro-lending operations and improving individuals’ financial literacy.  My home for 27 months will be Benin, a French-speaking West African country. I am extremely excited because this is a rare opportunity to help others while capitalizing on all areas of my education.

Other than what I have mentioned above, I am a returned Rotary exchange student or Rotex (Cahors, France, 2009-2010), a travel addict, and a bit of a workaholic.

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences and thoughts before, during, and who knows, maybe after my Peace Corps term. As the tagline suggest, I will discuss everything from miscellaneous mishaps to socio-cultural commentary on borrowers behaviors. I might even try my hand at some French poetry about African economics and some oil painting, no guarantees but consider yourself duly warned.

So, I would like to thank you for checking out my blog and I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to leave me comments or questions (I love questions especially ones that I don’t know the answers to). Otherwise, enjoy!

Also, please enjoy the lovely disclaimers below:

“The content of this website is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the Benin Government.”

Disclaimer: This is not a scholarly blog. I am not citing any sources, rather any information has come from my personal studies and any graphs or data used or referenced is easily accessible via Google Search.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Ben – Happy New Year! Still enjoying your blog and I want to let you know that we visited the NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art on the last day of 2016. We grabbed a tour of the museum highlights and the guide’s theme for his tour was Power that day. The first highlight: Nigeria, The Kingdom of Benin, including brass sculptures of the Edo Peoples, 16th-17th c. Warrior Chief and court officials, and a lengthy description of Benin altars as the seat of power. Since you are There, a few centuries later, I do wonder how you’d characterize the same topic today! Huge contrasts certainly…
    If you’re at all interested, I could post the 10 or so photos we took of that exhibit on Facebook or Instagram. Just let me know!
    Hugs and love to you from plain old Windsor, CT!

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